Friday, May 13, 2011

Whys My Puppy Got Black Poos

reveals the true reality of Demi? Demi ♥

Remember recently we told you what happened between Demi Lovato and the comment made by her friend Kitana?

The point is that it does not stay there. The singer, Kitana, as his comment in that I missed that old he met Demi, impacted thousands of fans taunted follow your tweet, which apparently was not with malicious intent. Facing

all he knew, and admitting she has not signed confidentiality agreement prohibiting him tell what he knows the whole story, unlike others, she decided to make some comments regarding the issues of * Joe Jonas, Demi Lovato Ashley Greene & * also adding details the fight between Demi Lovato and Shorty.

published artist:

My comment to her was in that his team failed to follow me and they are the ones who want to follow Demi certain people.

The entertainment world is very strategic. Each team of stars have access to customer accounts. Sad, but true.

What Demi friends meant by "real" was aimed at people who were on tour with her and turned away.

Shorty After the problem with some people not contacted her to see how he was, except Jman, Sarah, Gmammi, etc.

Selena is a true friend, believe me. Demi she allowed to go through what had to happen and the final Selena was always there for Demi.

After all this, a fan told Kitana Demi's grandmother had tweeted to thank Nick Jonas their support, then asked if she was sure that Nick did not try to contact her.

No, he did not. But after that he gave a couple of interviews saying that he supported Demi!

Joe Jonas's girlfriend was a bitch (very P * ta) . Demi fought from the beginning and then joined with Shorty to get out to Demi's tour.

Demi failed to follow all the tour until he could find out what happened after he left the tour and who were on the side of Shorty.

Innocent people, like Mdot, etc., Were also removed from the list of Demi just because you do not know who to trust.

We have not had contact Katina, & al parecerno is a bad girl, or with malicious intent to hurt our Demi, yet the truth is we do not know if telling the truth, & is that as the saying 'Faces we see, hearts we do not know':). The only thing left alone, is the fact that the truth, at the end of everything as you know, either way & no matter who is the count.

do you think?


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