Thursday, May 19, 2011

What Type Of Hair Does Rihanna Use?

friends forever?

The new issue of U.S. magazine 'M Magazine' has a very interesting article, where using a brief interview, show seven reasons which two girls are destined to be best friends. Discover why the relationship between Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez is so strong!

1) The drama can not beat:

Demi and Selena know how it feels to be bullied, so they refuse to let the petty arguments and rumors of Hollywood, afenten their relationship. "Do not gossip about other people too," says Demi.

2) have to fight together:

is comforting to know that half or Delena have the support of each other. 'Demi always says I'm the big sister in our friendship, "says Sel. "But still, I depend on it too."

3) They retain their closest group of friends

Demi Before going into rehab, she joined thousands of people I barely knew. Now she keeps a small group. "I have the best of friends," says Demi. "Quality is better than quantity."

4) Do not let distance interfere:

"Selena and I did not get to see each other much," says Demi. "But it really does not affect our friendship. This really brings us closer because we realized how much we need each other. "

5) Do not judge us we

feature a true friend, you can tell everything without being judged. Y that's what we have Demi and Selena. "I think Demi knows everything I've experienced," said Sel. "I trust her."

6) They have time for other people also

Delena have traveled far to relax, to join others in concerts and films. "It is a difficult task trying to go out with friends, but equally important," he said Sel. "They keep me down to earth"

7) are loyal to each other

In Los Angeles is difficult to know who your true friends. But like Selena and Demi have been best friends since childhood, have a loyalty that most do not. "Honesty is what makes a friendship survive," she told the magazine Selena M. "You have to trust each other."

& blog as a good team (xD) I'll let the link of the scans of DemiLovatoBrasil [Click here to view]


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