Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Movies Espanol Gratis

Samuel mesmerize the big screen this Friday

The debut of director's native Acarigua, Portuguesa, César Lucena and winner of the Merida Marathon Atom Films, Samuel, will premiere this Friday in 11 rooms theaters nationwide.

Edgar Cayce, a famous American psychic born in the nineteenth century, was the young director inspired to write the story of Samuel.

"Cayce discovered that he had the gift to diagnose and treat patients while he was under hypnosis. But it was not of witchcraft or anything supernatural. I was struck by the story and wondered how it would be if this were to happen to a person reluctant to help others, "said Lucena.

Lucena wrote the script in 2006, while studying at film school at the University of the Andes (ULA). At the finish it was the filmmaker and founder of Atom Film Marathon, Alberto Arvelo, who was delighted with the story of a farmer in the wilderness who discovers she has a very special gift. Samuel

set in San José del Sur, nestled in the mountains of Merida. Venezuelan actor Erich Wildpret (Zero Hour, Death in high contrast), plays Samuel, while Ananda Troconis plays Alma, his noble and tolerant wife.

rapper also act Carlos Julio Molina (Dj 13), who plays Baudilio, the Cuban actor Manuel Porto, in the role of healer Montoya, and Marisa Román, who has a cameo in the film as Engracia.

Alberto Arvelo, who is producing the film, explained that Samuel was the first movie made by film students which opens in cinemas nationwide.

also reported that the film was made with the help of five students from the film school of the ULA and the costumes and make-up was carried out by the actors themselves.

"The film shows that you can tell a story without the need of very famous actors or major equipment or clothing, but do it with our own, with our own strength and make movies of the simplest way possible," concluded .


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