Sunday, May 22, 2011

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♥ Demi Lovato: 'If the world ends today, my # Lovatics save us'

May 21, 2O11 rumors that the world would end & it has not happened.

This was not a reason to stop Post to Twitter, & Demi knows very well, and finally twetteo:

"If the world is destroyed now, my # Lovatics save us. They are superheroes. If the world ends today, I've never felt so healthy and happy in my whole life, "wrote the beautiful Demi Lovato.

This caused much commotion Lovato & we realized once again the tenderness of Demi & its great sympathy. Kim

Kardashian also posted a message on twitter saying that only God knows when the world ends.

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Demi ♥ It was good to publish your photo in bikini? Demi ♥

Does Demi Lovato's picture was a statement of encouragement or a dangerous example for girls who are still struggling with its image?

When the Disney star, who has publicly stated that it is eating problems, posted a picture of her in bikini on Twitter, most fans came to his support, but some critics felt was a wrong way to show renewed confidence itself.

Jezebel Dodai Stewart wondered if the new trust built by Demi about her body went too far by posting a picture in a bikini on the Internet:

I hope you realize that a body is also made to think, laugh, nurture, and other things rather than just wear a bikini.

When asked to Dr. Wendy Lader of SAFE Alternatives about the criticism, she said
that this did not apply to this case in particular:
If it is significant to be able and exposure and does not care what anybody says, it's a breakthrough. So if this is doing for herself, I send all my strength.

addition, Dr. Lader noted that people who are under someone else's eye are always being criticized for their appearance.

People always you will find the negative or defect, especially if you're a star. She is a beautiful young and sadly had doubts about whether he could or not be in front of people in bikinis. It's sad you had to go through that and I think it's incredible that now is at that point.
And it seems that it has been good because the artist was quite clear before posting your photo:

never thought that any Once I feel confident enough to do so. I'm excited about everything I've progressed from a state where I was completely ashamed of my body. I want every boy and crashes who struggles with body image or the confidence to know that if you can find peace with himself. It was not easy, but it starts with a commitment to yourself ... your mind ... and your soul. And believe me, I'm still working on it! Haha.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Conversion From W/v To W/w

rewrites in Seventeen! ♥

piece of cake book by cupcake brown a memior
Demi wrote a new article Seventeen on his blog, where a book had helped her to get another perspective on life & learn to appreciate.

Here we leave what she wrote:

I recently read a really inspiring book called "Piece of Cake" by Cupcake Brown . Her story challenged me to look at my own life from a different perspective and made me reflect on how much I have to be grateful. This book reminds me that life is not about the obstacles that get in your way, but about what you do to overcome them and how you recover after that. That's what really matters. I borrowed an abstract (or extract book) the website of Cupcake:
His story is also about choices - good and bad - and about what is possible if only "we pray, we believe, work hard and hold on strongly." Most people would be discouraged by the difficulties she faced, but despite his great fear and insecurity gripped Cupcake, and I prayed for dear life as he realized that there was another way of doing things - a better way to do it.
recently went through a difficult phase and I admire Cupcake for sharing your story with the world. She is a true inspiration to me and millions women. Remember, when life gets tough, Stay strong.
Love, Demi Lovato

If you want to see the story from Seventeen Seventeen Click .

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EXCLUSIVE: Demi confirms new tour for this 2O11! ♥

as I read! It is impossible not to get excited with this statement, since Demi as she answered questions from his fans on 17 May, a girl asked him something that sparked excitement and eagerness from fans.

When a user was a fan of it, called Edward Maddison asks

@ ddlovato Planning a tour 2011?

to what Demi said
@ Maadisonnxx if

After a while another girl asked

@ ddlovato you would like to return to Brazil this year?
to what Demi said

@ giicarvalhosz Planning!

And after these talks Javier Dieguez He made the next question:

@ ddlovato you like Chile? We remember?
And Demi Lovato
@ Javi_Dieguez said AMO Chile!

& you're happy with this news? COMMENTS

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Today marks 2 years since he visited Chile Demi ♥ Demi

Lovato! This is a date that should not be forgotten by anyone, & many people must remember very well, and that today marks 2 years since he set foot Demi Chile for the first time with the Jonas Brothers.

On May 20 2009, hundreds and hundreds of Lovato & Jonathan made long lines in order to fulfill his dream & to see their idols. Demi Lovato

Dazzle everyone When He opened the Jonas Brothers concert, being the opening act, exactly at 17:15, starting the show with "La La Land" To continue with "Gonna Get Caught" and later "Until You 're Mine. "

The Young did not stop screaming his name was when Demi thanked the public:

"has long wanted to come to know Latin America. I love to do it, this is a Great Opportunity 3 Guys accompanying "

then followed with "Two Worlds Collide", explaining "This song changed my life forever"

When it came to "Do not Forget" no broke into tears & crying in front of emotion their fans & much more excited that the Lovato.

When the concert Demi, published in your Twitter account:

Never in my life I had imagined a stadium full of people singing my songs. I think some Day I'm going to Chile. Hahahaha

Although that was only 45 minutes on stage was enough time for Demi could domostrar talent.

& you remember as Demi was the concert? I was excited / or? Comment!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nadine And Milena Velba

Car accident! ♥ Demi & Selena

Well we can say that our artist did not survive ...

scares you?! Demi Quiet not happened nothing & no one was hurt. Yesterday, 18 Demi May was involved in a car accident to his fate and our children.

How did it happen? Demi was driving Sherman Oaks, California to when another driver collided . After this tragedy, Demi exchanged information, probably apologize for both, & as said nobody was injured.

The Lovat, we are determined to support it and get lucky at all, since they will have to appear before the courts if the damaged car was damaged. : C

We leave the photos after the incident :

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friends forever?

The new issue of U.S. magazine 'M Magazine' has a very interesting article, where using a brief interview, show seven reasons which two girls are destined to be best friends. Discover why the relationship between Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez is so strong!

1) The drama can not beat:

Demi and Selena know how it feels to be bullied, so they refuse to let the petty arguments and rumors of Hollywood, afenten their relationship. "Do not gossip about other people too," says Demi.

2) have to fight together:

is comforting to know that half or Delena have the support of each other. 'Demi always says I'm the big sister in our friendship, "says Sel. "But still, I depend on it too."

3) They retain their closest group of friends

Demi Before going into rehab, she joined thousands of people I barely knew. Now she keeps a small group. "I have the best of friends," says Demi. "Quality is better than quantity."

4) Do not let distance interfere:

"Selena and I did not get to see each other much," says Demi. "But it really does not affect our friendship. This really brings us closer because we realized how much we need each other. "

5) Do not judge us we

feature a true friend, you can tell everything without being judged. Y that's what we have Demi and Selena. "I think Demi knows everything I've experienced," said Sel. "I trust her."

6) They have time for other people also

Delena have traveled far to relax, to join others in concerts and films. "It is a difficult task trying to go out with friends, but equally important," he said Sel. "They keep me down to earth"

7) are loyal to each other

In Los Angeles is difficult to know who your true friends. But like Selena and Demi have been best friends since childhood, have a loyalty that most do not. "Honesty is what makes a friendship survive," she told the magazine Selena M. "You have to trust each other."

& blog as a good team (xD) I'll let the link of the scans of DemiLovatoBrasil [Click here to view]

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♥ Demi Lovato: 'I LOVE CHILE'! ♥

Yesterday, May 18, Demi Lovato, our idol responded to a fan, with capital letters I loved CHILE! Yes! For all those fans in Chile, [including me] this was a great joy, because we always knew he loved her, and she adores her fans, all ... but have told us this is really very nice! :)

Then the tweet:

[Image Credits:]

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Media talk about the Demi in Bikini! Demi ♥

After That Demi published his new picture in bikini and her new body, the media has been abuzz about this, saying they are very proud of her & to be healthy and be able to overcome this phase.

Both E! As Clevver TV News, spoke of Demi, as well as magazines & more. Video

Clevver TV:

Video News:

also means added:

OK Magazine commented: "The former Disney star showed she is ready to move on twittenando a photo of herself with a white bikini, showing her strength and healthy body! "

E! Online also left their opinions: "It seems to have Demi is doing very well. Congratulations!

Hollywood Life said: "We are very proud of Demi Lovato and the progress he has achieved. Demi is a fantastic role model for girls. This proves you can be happy and healthy without being thin in Hollywood. And it still looks better! Congratulations, Demi! "

're a role model Lovato! ♥ love you

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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is nominated for Billboard 2011! Demi ♥

Well, this is a shame & is that as the title says Demi is NOT nominated for the Billboard 2011, as we thought todos los Lovatics.

A pesar de esto , Joe Jonas & Selena Gomez sí lo están , y les deseamos toda la suerte .

Para ver la lista & más información  Haz Click Aqui

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Long Can Eyebrows Grow

add more details to their picture on Bikini. Statements ♥

Ayer te dimos a conocer lo orgullosa que Demi está de su cuerpo, & Hoy te contamos que después de publicar su fotito ella publicó mas Tweets:

  • I never thought I’d ever feel confident enough to ever to that. I’m excited how far I’ve come since being completely ashamed of my body..
  • never thought I ever feel confident enough to do so. I'm excited about everything I've progressed from a state where I was completely ashamed of my body.
  • I want Any Girl / Guy Out There Who Struggles with body image or confidence to know That it IS possible to find peace with yourself.
  • I want any boy or girl who struggles with body image or self-confidence to know that if you can find peace with himself.
  • It hasn't Been Easy, But It starts with a Commitment to yourself .. Your mind .. And your soul. And trust me, I'm still working at it! Haha
has not been easy, but it starts with a commitment to yourself ... your mind ... and your soul. And believe me, I'm still working on it! Haha.

:) We are very satisfied with their work & expect more! :) We know that she can overcome overcome ♥ & re

Monday, May 16, 2011

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guitar, bass & other about Demi! Demi ♥

We found these facts to our attention. Enjoy them:

* Joe never realized attack against Demi Ashley '(verbally, offenses and stuff.)-Guitarist

* 'Nick hugged demi constantly, and that Joe did not agradaba'-Guitarist

Demi * Nick found crying in her ella' clubhouse when he was guitarist for

'* Demi discussed with Ashley for his attack, but always went wrong ella'-Guitarist

*' Demi cried constantly in-tour' Guitarist

'* Ashley was joined by Demi Shorty to attack, often in the tour'-Guitarist

* Ashley felt threatened in the Tour, the duets between Joe and demi'-anonymous

* In the video for 'Make a Wave "and was notorious and Joe's relationship Demi'-Director

* Big Rob always defended Demi'-Guitarist

'* Love is not always like what Demi Lovato pintan'

'* Demi Ashley discussed with their actitudes'-Guitarist

' * Joe walked a lot for the clubhouse Demi'-Dancers

* 'Demi came to break a mirror in

*' A Mother Jonas (Denise) did not like listening to mourn in his camerino' Demi-Guitarist

'* Demi spent much time with Nick, with the' he felt protegida'-Bass

'* Demi and Joe looked at much, but did not speak that Ashley was with the whole Guitarist podia'-time

'* Demi ever wanted to tell everyone that

'* Demi had several relapses over the Tour'-anonymous

' * Demi always remained strong attacks by guitarist

* Kevin and Nick suspected something was up with guitarist

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upload a photo of her in bikini! ♥

Demi Twitter posted a message to all his followers, saying I was very excited & proud of your body & we wanted to teach his new figure without eating disorders. Demi


I've been working so hard to get healthy and fit .. I can not believe I'm about to do this but I'm so excited .. Here's my bikini time body!
Translation: I worked so hard to be fit and healthy ... I can not BELIEVE that you are doing this ... Here is my bikini body!

& attached the following picture:
lovatics & As big fans of it, we are also proud of her & even more of an effort and power have risen firmly and have left behind their problems.

If you want to see Demi publication click on the photo of bikini

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SCHIZOPHRENIA: Psychoanalysis of an adolescent [Trailer]

Sergio is a young man who suffers from mental problems, he thinks he has kidnapped an innocent girl, to have an alleged argument with her, start question their way of being.
He hallucinates two more people reproaching why the damage.

Wait this original production created, produced and directed by Priscilla Alejandra Rueda and Fausto Ramirez, with the special collaboration of Sergio Rueda Ramirez and shares Nubia Karina, Jose Luis Alarcon and Nataly Dominguez in June 2011.

* This film was made for a college class Priscila Alejandra Rueda and Fausto Ramirez. It was just a school project.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

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RUMOR: Demi sends a very direct hint to the Jonas Brothers? Demi ♥

few days ago we told you on the birthday of J-Man (Jordan Francis) & the message Demi I send to him through Twitter. To see this entry

[Remember the Tweet] Demi sent to J-Man:

Happy birthday to my brother @ officialjman ... Love you, You've Always Had My Back When So Many Others did not. I Will not Ever Forget That. :)
Translation: Happy birthday to my brother @ officialjman ... I love you, You were always there for me when others were not. I'll always remember.

Now let's highlight the 'indirect':

I love you, were always there for me when others were not

That 'was always there for me, When OTHERS WERE NOT ' Demi sounds like you are referring to the Jonas Brothers, they have expressed the Jonaticas, & also the Lovatics ♥

addition, some people say that it refers to Selena Gomez, as it is said that she I call it or went to visit when she was in rehab.

& you think you? Your opinion is important!

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sends you a picture of your dinner at Tiffany Thornton! ♥

recently sent him a message via Twitter on May 15th that is today, where he also added a Demi image which showed his dinner, which is very rich:

The tweet saying

"Check it out!" @ TherealTiffany made dinner: D haha \u200b\u200b
Translation: "Check it out!" @ TherealTiffany dinner is ready: D haha \u200b\u200b

To view photo click on the photo of 'The girls checkers'

Saturday, May 14, 2011

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Watch the official trailer for 'So Random! " Demi ♥

all know that now "Sonny among Stars" does not exist as Demi Lovato left the show and now has new and renovated format and new name: "So Random!"

The protagonists are: Tiffany Thornton, Sterling Knight, Brandon Mychal Smith, Doug Brochu and Allisyn Ashley Arm , already have everything ready and prepared to leave again broadcast in June.

With special guests including Selena Gomez, Mitchel Musso, Cody Simpson and Greyson Chance, the program promises great moments of entertainment.

The premiere will be on 5 June and we are sure you will not regret to see and to be surprises as great as that now Chad Dylan Cooper is a Random! . Who knew?

Here are two videos we preview of So Random! hope you enjoy! :

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sent a video of Barney & Friends Selena Gomez! ♥ Eddie

Demi sent a tweet with Selena Gomez a video of the children's series that starred together, Barney and his friends. Then the tweet Demi:
@ ddlovato: HAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD ... @ SelenaGomez watch this!! / /
Translation: HAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD! ... @ Selena Gomez look at this (attachment)

To which Selena Gomez answered after a few minutes:

@ SelenaGomez: Hahaha Wow is very different from when it was recorded.

To view the video click on the image of Delena.

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La Garza, talks about the duet between Demi & Timbaland!

de La Garza, Demi's father, sent a reply to message left by Sebastian and Demi Lovato was in Miami waiting to get in touch with the team of Demi. Check out the tweet: @

darealsebastian oh, we're going over there. And we're about to make history! Ja. Do not # lovatics? jajaj

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♥ Demi went to record their favorite song from her new album!

Demi Lovato resumed his work in music a few weeks after he left rehab this year.

Since then, the Disney star has been informing his fans about his visits to the studio where he prepares his new album.

Last Wednesday (May 11) just has not been an exception. Demi Lovato has a big enthusiastic fans by revealing he has made a return visit to the study but not to record any song, but one he considers his favorite so far.

'Addressing the studio soon ... I'm about to record my favorite song on the album until now, "said Demi Lovato on Twitter.