Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Often Should You Replace Sprint Track Spikes

B*Day Stress!

6 months without writing here ... 6 long months! So much has happened since then, when I say things are MANY MANY! but never wanted to write something like now. Something that makes me bad a few weeks: someone's birthday. It's amazing how something as simple as looking for a gift for that person you love, you love, you love ... you make it so hard to find. But what if that gift does not? If you think you will love it and when you see it, you realize you do not like as much as you thought you'd like? This certainly made me create this post ...

Approaches the birthday of a loved one and with it many psychological problems, not all show love and affection in these days, but for many people are a burden and a serious problem. One of the main problems facing people are gifts.

Why a problem? Should be a pleasure and a joy, right? Admittedly, these dates are a time of love, is the celebration of the birth of a loved one. Gifts are not only a consumer habit, is a manifestation of love and the love you have for that person. So why should they be a problem?

Sometimes it can become not only a problem, but a heavy load, and a source of discord. Those expecting a birthday gift, and hope that we may know enough to give them something that they would like. The problem is that most of the time you do not know what to get or their own parents, and there are people who take it amiss if given something wrong with his personality.

These issues can affect relationships. There is psychological research on the issue of gifts and how it affects relationships between people. Apparently if you give a good gift, does not improve the relationship, but keeps the states. But a bad one could lead to another to question his relationship with another person. Most studies show how these affect the perception of similarity, or rather the notion that there is a link that the two people meet.

A new study by Dunn in 2008, suggests that men and women react differently in front of this issue. The research found that men who receive a gift expected or that they look good, feel closer to the person who gave it, that is a nice touch is good for the relationship. One bad, they hurt the relationship. While women remain neutral, a good relationship does not improve. And one bad, not worse. The explanation for this behavior of women is that they tend want to counter any threat to fall on the relationship.

But the point is that this is short term, that is the first feelings that are present after the long run a series of bad gifts can seriously affect a relationship. Since this represents how much you appreciate and know the other.

all this I had to search the Internet, books, books, encyclopedias, etc. In the end, I searched so much and did not get the answer I was looking ... What I can give?


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