Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Governor Of California Birthday Greetings

Back In Motion

Many will wonder why I left the blog, why not have written more and why I have not filed here ? These past few months, as I said in my last post, I've been in a stage of extreme bipolarity, therefore, that until I thought I was sick. This first half has been for me a little crazy-crazy to be honest, I have gone from breaking, borracheras hasta cambiar mi vida por completo en un modo que nunca pensé que cambiaría. Creo que todos alguna vez en nuestras vidas pasamos por momentos difíciles, algunos lo saben llevar mejores que otros, en mi caso, no lo supé llevar! Pero creo que de todo esto aprendí mucho, de verdad que si -me reservo a decir que aprendí, porque creo que eso es algo más personal- en fin, sólo quería aclarar eso n.n "no olvidé el blog, sólo lo dejé descansando un momento" pero aquí estoy de nuevo! back in motion.

Hablando de problemas, una de las cosas que más problemas me trae es el internet...

yo AMO el internet
he internet internet
LOVE all the internet

because let's face these days who does not use the Internet? The internet is my second love, the internet listen to me, talk to me, taught me-a good or bad, "the internet is my drug, my temptation, my guilt, which makes me fly and that makes me dream. ..
is one of the reasons that I do not have time for anything, the cause of that waste my time on stupid things, you stop doing things because they are glued to a computer-or even cell-and yet they still love. I keep to use, although I have tried. I use 23 hours a day (yes, just give me time to sleep 1 hour). Are 4:24 a.m. and I'd rather be writing this to be sleeping. Although it is bad, has its good things, and that is why it has become my second love, my lover, my horn. and that is, who does not love the internet?

It's too late. Sleep a few hours and write another post, the continuation or whatever. I need a RedBull, I do not sleep! Harold


PD: follow me @ twitter, facebook, myspace and all things to connect online. :) nite nite.


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