Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Military Retirement Dresses

The BFF I Wanted

Sometimes I feel I'll explode, I can not over and I want to pay anything. Today I realized that you need more than one person who is there at your side to help and advise. Because, what happens when that person is annoying you? (Let's face it all we have ever bothered with our loved keridos-friends, family, love-) what happens when you have a problem and you do not have that person at that time to support you, off your chest and talk to someone? Well, the worst is that I am not of those people who have lots of friends, I think the word "friend" is very large. I drive a lot of disappointments with "friends" from school and i feel a little apprehensive with those disappointments and I prefer not to risk giving my trust to anyone claiming to be my "friend" / "friend."
Today I felt like a tunnel with no exit and no escape, I felt I could not breathe, I felt as if it would never get out of that tunnel, I felt my heart in my throat and tears to my point fall. I felt that all their backs, but it was not, I just wanted someone to talk to, someone with whom to vent and did not. But out of nowhere literally appeared that person who would support me, I listen, advise me and I understand. That person who always has had at hand, but you never thought you listen to your dumb problems that never would have as a true friend, but simply as fellow students; That person made me realize today that if there are friends, and are at least expect it, at times less suitable.
For You: Thanks for listening, for understanding me and understand me nn
TQM! Count on me for anything:) love ya! ♥

Monday, June 29, 2009

Most Expensive Desktop Computer For Gaming

The Problem ...

... Soy Yo!

And Kill Me!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Strabismus Surgery In Toronto

Michael Jackson King Of Pop just

I'm not a big fan of Michael Jackson, never was, but I must admit that at the news of his death remained in a state of shock for a long time, I could not believe it! With only 50 years, 50 concerts on the way, a disk, and the life of their children to educate. Known as the king of pop, was and will be most influential artists of our time, do not think anyone can overcome it ... or dance, or records, or sales. Michael was and will forever be the king of pop.

wrote something but it is in English, and as I know most of my readers do not know English, some do not understand and did not put. If you are curious, ask in the comments and I'll post nn

only wish him the best for the Jackson family. And wherever you are, it sure is a better place than here. Oh no, wait! Him if he lived in the first world. Well, a similar or equally well where was nn hahaha!

Au \u200b\u200brevoir, Harold


Here are some pictures of my favorite artists who shared with Michael before he left:

Friday, June 26, 2009

Can U Shower With Tiffanys Sterling Silver

everything would be different ... RIP

... If we lived In London!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Brisket Difference London Broil

Michael Jackson

Today we lost one of the most important important artists of our time. I feel terrible! Michael Jackson was and is the king of pop forever! Always live in our hearts!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Governor Of California Birthday Greetings

Back In Motion

Many will wonder why I left the blog, why not have written more and why I have not filed here ? These past few months, as I said in my last post, I've been in a stage of extreme bipolarity, therefore, that until I thought I was sick. This first half has been for me a little crazy-crazy to be honest, I have gone from breaking, borracheras hasta cambiar mi vida por completo en un modo que nunca pensé que cambiaría. Creo que todos alguna vez en nuestras vidas pasamos por momentos difíciles, algunos lo saben llevar mejores que otros, en mi caso, no lo supé llevar! Pero creo que de todo esto aprendí mucho, de verdad que si -me reservo a decir que aprendí, porque creo que eso es algo más personal- en fin, sólo quería aclarar eso n.n "no olvidé el blog, sólo lo dejé descansando un momento" pero aquí estoy de nuevo! back in motion.

Hablando de problemas, una de las cosas que más problemas me trae es el internet...

yo AMO el internet
he internet internet
LOVE all the internet

because let's face these days who does not use the Internet? The internet is my second love, the internet listen to me, talk to me, taught me-a good or bad, "the internet is my drug, my temptation, my guilt, which makes me fly and that makes me dream. ..
is one of the reasons that I do not have time for anything, the cause of that waste my time on stupid things, you stop doing things because they are glued to a computer-or even cell-and yet they still love. I keep to use, although I have tried. I use 23 hours a day (yes, just give me time to sleep 1 hour). Are 4:24 a.m. and I'd rather be writing this to be sleeping. Although it is bad, has its good things, and that is why it has become my second love, my lover, my horn. and that is, who does not love the internet?

It's too late. Sleep a few hours and write another post, the continuation or whatever. I need a RedBull, I do not sleep! Harold


PD: follow me @ twitter, facebook, myspace and all things to connect online. :) nite nite.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Often Should You Replace Sprint Track Spikes

B*Day Stress!

6 months without writing here ... 6 long months! So much has happened since then, when I say things are MANY MANY! but never wanted to write something like now. Something that makes me bad a few weeks: someone's birthday. It's amazing how something as simple as looking for a gift for that person you love, you love, you love ... you make it so hard to find. But what if that gift does not? If you think you will love it and when you see it, you realize you do not like as much as you thought you'd like? This certainly made me create this post ...

Approaches the birthday of a loved one and with it many psychological problems, not all show love and affection in these days, but for many people are a burden and a serious problem. One of the main problems facing people are gifts.

Why a problem? Should be a pleasure and a joy, right? Admittedly, these dates are a time of love, is the celebration of the birth of a loved one. Gifts are not only a consumer habit, is a manifestation of love and the love you have for that person. So why should they be a problem?

Sometimes it can become not only a problem, but a heavy load, and a source of discord. Those expecting a birthday gift, and hope that we may know enough to give them something that they would like. The problem is that most of the time you do not know what to get or their own parents, and there are people who take it amiss if given something wrong with his personality.

These issues can affect relationships. There is psychological research on the issue of gifts and how it affects relationships between people. Apparently if you give a good gift, does not improve the relationship, but keeps the states. But a bad one could lead to another to question his relationship with another person. Most studies show how these affect the perception of similarity, or rather the notion that there is a link that the two people meet.

A new study by Dunn in 2008, suggests that men and women react differently in front of this issue. The research found that men who receive a gift expected or that they look good, feel closer to the person who gave it, that is a nice touch is good for the relationship. One bad, they hurt the relationship. While women remain neutral, a good relationship does not improve. And one bad, not worse. The explanation for this behavior of women is that they tend want to counter any threat to fall on the relationship.

But the point is that this is short term, that is the first feelings that are present after the long run a series of bad gifts can seriously affect a relationship. Since this represents how much you appreciate and know the other.

all this I had to search the Internet, books, books, encyclopedias, etc. In the end, I searched so much and did not get the answer I was looking ... What I can give?