Monday, May 10, 2010

Mexicanas Famosasfollando

A deadly day in which "celebrate" being a mother. The day when all who lost their mother, remember that one day had one, that day when everyone remembers that the remains of the mother is in a cemetery and they have to go to bring her flowers. That day when many lament the failure to provide affection / love for his mother during his lifetime. One day so common that people wait all year to spend much money on the mothers. Why not do it any other day of the year? As everyone in this country, just waiting that day to show that affection you have for your mother giving you a nice present. I really think that both Mother's Day and all those "days ..." are just a normal day a merchant man created to be very demanding in those days. I love my mom, I spent the day with her, took her to eat and ready, zero roll, zero concern about "what I buy? What do you like? ". She knows that I love without having to buy some shoes, a purse or cell phone.

In fact, I want my mom SO MUCH I know she is happy if I'm happy for that reason I bought The Fame (Japan Deluxe Edition) for my mom was happy to see me happy:) I'm not the best son of the world? Yes, I am.

Happy Day mother-and-mamacitas, Harold

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Meltonian Boot Cream Uk

The Internet takes hold of me. I seized the Internet.

In these three days I was in Barquisimeto, I thought I would die. You say "what cliché" Harold always says the same thing but keeps going to Barquisimeto all weekend, well ... Departing from Valencia I think I will die, kill me in a town where I know no one, no Internet, no my friends, etc. But it always turns out to be quite the opposite, I always enjoy a lot there (although sometimes not as much as Valencia).

This weekend helped me not only to share with my dad, but also helped me to get away a little of everything and everyone, give me a break and be without Internet for a while. Well, as I said: I thought it would feel to die without the internet, give me low, that would make me depressed and all that sort of thing, but the opposite happened. I was at a fancy party, I met people and had a great fancy. :)

With all this to be disconnected from the cyber world internet I learned that I need to survive (note that I am a twit-dependent or at least I thought until now), I never thought I could twitter spend 3 days without anything and do not miss it on twitter. I was so entertaining that at times I had forgotten the BlackBerry. learned that not only twitter consume my life, but the Internet got me addicted, I need to "socialize" more, and type "face-to-face" because the Internet is far from me of it. In this time without the Internet I could meditate, relax away from a computer / BlackBerry, think about my stuff, thinking without putting things that I think of twitter, can not imagine how relaxed he returned to Valencia, really. Everything in excess is bad and I use the Internet overpaid, over-exaggerated and I'm not exaggerating! (I think I placed over the word "exaggerate" HAHA).

enough of the excesses and exaggerations, and talk of me that is what you-me-because we care. I know that being away from the Internet is good for me, but I can not avoid being selfish and put what I'm doing what I'm thinking and all sorts of things about me. This time I will tell you about the party where I was this weekend. The party was almost perfect, from the decor to the drinks, everything was perfectly organized, what I love it. Everything but everything had butterflies, from napkins to the table centerpieces. At the entrance was a pink carpet with butterflies around. Everything was pink, purple, even the marshmallows, which were really butterflies also, I loved the chocolate fountain and all things purple. The DJ could be better, put normal music, the thing was as loose, but I think what you put is what is "cool" there. The birthday was beautiful, and next to me looked better. I went through many things that day, some stressors, other comic. Here is a list of some things that happened:

"They had
to call a seamstress at the last minute to sew my pants because I fell (I'm super skinny).

-learned that you iron shirts. My dad does not know ANYTHING board.

-The tie seemed bland at the last minute and had not brought more.

"I made a mini philanthropic work helping to hit two balloons (which I got tired).

-Aid in the decoration to make it right, because they were over-charging the wall things.

"Almost but almost dancing the waltz but ...

-Lie. If I danced the waltz. HAHA
They put
-RBD at the end of the waltz. WTF?

-A chama fell while dancing the waltz. I died of laughter.

"People could not dance. NO. I had to sit while the one who could dance empties. Bah.

"For a microsecond (almost imperceptible) I felt less important than the birthday. I do not like 15 years.

"I learned to speak parochial. Well, the language spoken in Barquisimeto. Very easy, simply putting on an accent to the last syllable in every word. "Look," "Come," dance. " I know I speak 3 languages.

"I learned to drink whiskey, champagne and more.

-drunk-that I could not miss-

"I took about 100 photos, only the birthday, and wanted more.

"I fell in love with someone of the table 6. HAHA.

-Chino Y Nacho were the musical guests (pathetic), but that happens not to see things before me.

But the best was that I did not take the BlackBerry or 5 seconds, or at least I did when sober.

Here are some pictures:

In this last photo was a butterfly where he placed 15 candles that were dedicated each to a person who influenced the life of meeting the 15 years. While she said the people who spent the candles, I could not stop thinking about the people that I would dedicate these candles (Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Lady GaGa, etc.) I just laughed and no one understood. It was comical.

I come more often. I love this life, party, rave, flash, paparazzi. In Valencia there is only yes alcohol, flashes, enemies posing as friends and well. Oh no. I am moving, but to London.

Au \u200b\u200bRevoir,