Sunday, August 23, 2009

House Rebuild Calculator

B * Day Gifts! Inspired Confusion And

my birthday is coming! My favorite time of year. A day of celebration, joy, excitement and happiness! the most exciting thing these days that a birthday is, but very few admit it, the gifts, because who does not like gifts? -Clear, a good gift-that's why I decided to make this post. A little guide to know that we can give me on this special day for me nn

For This Year I:


Ipod Touch Digital Camera -
Nokia N97-
-Passage A Paris nn (if just the ticket)
-Very Irresistible Givenchy
-Emma Bunton - Maybe (single)
-Spice Girls - Greates Hits (Box Set UK)
-Ticket for The Circus starring Britney Spears
Cavalli Pants -nn
-CD 's [What I want to ask, since many]
-A Gomita To My Cel! xD

already have this I will make another post to tell nn I love most anything else for now ... :)

Au \u200b\u200bRevoir, Harold


Saturday, August 22, 2009

What Do You Write On Your Bosses Birthday Card

It is hard to love somebody misleads you do not know if he likes you or not, if you like someone else, or even if you want to be with you for the rest of his life. I am currently going through a moment. I'm confused, sad, unwilling even to write this. But this is as a way of venting. Today destroyed my hopes, my dreams, my love ... : (And everything in the blink of an eye. How can you love someone and cut the wings of love like that? Lies and more lies when the only thing I did was love. Tomorrow I go to church, I will be an altar boy.

